The Bihar Khabar Group (Bihar Khabar) tries to be very clear and precise with words, headlines, and URLs. We know that knowledge gives people power and responsibility.

The writers for Bihar Khabar (Bihar Khabar Group) must always check the information they write down.

This includes information that can be used to find out who someone is, like names, locations, factual comments, and accounts that are connected to the content.

Based on our Ethics Policy, writers check the facts on their own using their own knowledge and reasoning.

If they need to, Bihar Khabar (Bihar Khabar Group) can and will use fact-checkers both online and in the editing team.

We are dedicated to not supporting any one political party, being open about our sources and funds, and accepting constructive criticism and changes within our group. We make sure that everyone who has a stake in the information agrees with it before we put it online.

When we get a claim about fact-checking on our website, we first get in touch with the person who made the claim to get more information and to ask them to explain it further. We also talk to people and groups who might know more about the subject or have experience with it. Finally, we read news articles, scientific and medical journal articles, books, interview transcripts, and statistical sources that are related to the subject.

While we don’t check the accuracy of views, we will always make it clear the difference between opinion content and informative content.

If you think we should check the facts or fix something on our website, please email us at [email protected], and we will do our best to look into every claim.